From Faith to Faith
September 6, 2018
Bounce Back!
May 17, 2019Word of Wisdom
with Pastor Alphonze
In John 15:15 Jesus told his disciples that he no longer called them servants, but friends. Because of the disciples association and proximity to Jesus, and their daily walk with Him, they had learned the will of the Father. This knowledge of the Father’s will transitioned them from servants to friends. It was a result of their devotion, dedication, and conversations with Jesus.
1) Walking with God is your greatest calling in life.
Our call to intimacy with God supersedes the call to ministry or any kingdom service.
In Mark 3:14 Jesus called the apostles to be his regular companions, to be with him first, before anything else. God’s clarion call is for his people to be intimate with him. Walking with Him is far more important than working for Him. Knowing Him is far more important than our call to serve Him. You have to know Him before making Him known to others.
2) Walking with God (intimacy) is not a gift – it’s a choice.
Many are God’s favorites but not many are His intimates. Walking with God is crystallized in intimacy. Intimacy with God is an intentional, deliberate decision and a personal choice.
We see this exemplified in the story of Mary and Martha when Jesus paid them a visit. Martha was concerned with making everyone comfortable and was busy serving rather than listening at the feet of Jesus. Jesus told Martha that she was concerned with many things but that one thing was needful, sitting at his feet.
Intimacy with God is far more superior than any service rendered to God. We live in an age of distractions, too often the importance of these distractions are exaggerated beyond the boundary of their relevance. If our priority is not intimacy with Him, distractions will keep us busy. Genuine service to God is birthed from sitting at his feet in fellowship with Him, everything else will be an exercise in futility. As Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 1:2, vanity vanity, all is vanity.
3) Walking with God builds up your private life
Walking with God will translate success to our endeavors and our real life will begin to find expression.
It is well understood that your outward bodily appearance is a reflection of your diet and health. It is clear that the strength of any tree is based on how deep down the roots go, the roots which are always hidden and not exposed.
Many have taken leave from God, it’s been long since we have prioritized quality time with Him.
It has been too long since He heard our voices, yet we know that the Almighty yearns for communion with us. Our private communion with Him is where His face is revealed. The hand of God will supply our needs but it is His face that will satisfy us.
4) Walking with God is the pursuit of God
Isaiah 45:15 Teaches that God loves to hide himself, but He also knows how to reveal Himself to the diligent seekers. Hebrews 11:6 states that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. The Bible teaches in Jeremiah 29:13 that God can be found. “And you shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart”.
God has wrapped His word in his wisdom. This is why many read the bible and find it hard to understand because they are relying on their human understanding devoid of God’s revelation. In Proverbs 25:2 “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the glory of the king is to search out a matter”. God wants to be pursued so that only true pursuers can find Him. The proof of desire is pursuit.
5) Walking with God is a willingness to pay the price
Everyone is as close to God as they are willing to be. The bible says draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Pay the price necessary to have nothing standing between you and God.
Let walking with God be your ultimate and greatest pursuit in life, give Him the first place, your utmost priority. Loving God with everything is the call He has for you.
6) Walking with God will reveal purpose in your life
Intimacy is the atmosphere where conception happens. It is impossible to remain barren when we are walking with God. Walking with God will produce creativity, visions, ministries, inventions, innovations, and revelations. Our Father is a creator and it is impossible to walk with Him and be devoid of creativity. Public ministry is a reflection of private life.
7) Walking with God will make you a friend of God
The Almighty God will be domiciled within you, he will make you His abode. His relationship with you will be special and intimate like it was with his disciples.
Jesus related to people on different levels. To the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the scribes, He didn’t give them much of His time because they did not attach value to what He carried. To the crowds with needs, He loved them, He even abandoned His program to attend to Jairus when his daughter was dying in sickness. He related to them at their level of need, but not the level of intimacy. To the seventy whom He sent to preach, He empowered them for ministry to the people but was never intimate with them. To the twelve disciples, He went further and spent time with them always expounding His teachings to them. The relationship He had with Peter, James, and John was even deeper beyond the others. To John, it was even closer in that he was called the disciple Jesus loved, Johns place was always at Jesus’s bosom. The relationship between Jesus and the Father was the most intimate. At times He closed down meetings to have time with God, nothing could hamper that relationship. Jesus had unbroken fellowship with the Father, He never grieved the Holy Spirit, He loved what the Father loved. His meat was to do the Fathers will.
In John 15:14 Jesus said you are my friend if you do my will. When you are a friend of God, you will begin to look like Him. It is called the law of association. You will begin to gravitate towards Him, talk like Him, think like Him, act like Him, excel like Him, conquer like Him, rule like Him.
The book of Daniel says them that know their God will be strong and do exploits.
Some walk away from God, some walk against God, some try to walk ahead of God
Those who walk with Him become His friends which is the premise that ushers in a realm of peace, contentment, and fulfillment. Goodness and mercy will navigate towards their direction.
The true essence of our existence and spiritual sagacity will be realized when we learn to walk with God.