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We Live In Interesting Times
August 28, 2024
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The Season of God
September 13, 2024
interesting clouds
We Live In Interesting Times
August 28, 2024
airplane landing on the airfield in black and white
The Season of God
September 13, 2024

Join Us for SpiritLife Conference 2024 at Covenant Fellowship Church

We are excited to invite you to the first SPIRITLIFE Conference 2024 at Covenant Fellowship Church!

Mark your calendars for three nights of powerful teaching, worship, and fellowship as we explore the theme of Weightier Matters, drawn from Matthew 23:23. This promises to be a transformative event that you won’t want to miss!

Event Details:

  • Dates: October 3-5, 2024
  • Time: 7:00 PM each night
  • Location: Covenant Fellowship Church, 9101 S. Robinson Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73139

Special Guest Speakers:

We are honored to have Rev. Alphonze & Alisha Owino, Senior Pastors of Covenant Fellowship Church, and Pastor Tanya Faith Pugh from Christian Center, as our keynote speakers. Their passion for God’s Word and heart for ministry will inspire and challenge you as we dive deep into the Weightier Matters that Jesus spoke of—Judgment, Mercy, and Faith.

Why You Should Attend:

The SPIRITLIFE Conference is more than just a gathering; it’s an opportunity to:

  • Impact your spiritual life with powerful teachings rooted in Scripture.
  • Invest in your faith journey, gaining new insights and perspectives.
  • Influence the world around you as you apply what you learn.

In a world where distractions abound, this is your chance to refocus on the deeper, weightier matters of life and faith. Jesus called attention to these in Matthew 23:23: “…you have omitted weightier matters of the law. Judgment, Mercy, and Faith. These ought you to have done…”, and this conference is designed to help you realign your priorities and grow in your walk with Christ.

What to Expect:

Each night, you will experience dynamic worship, engaging messages, and the opportunity to connect with others in the community. Whether you are a long-time member of Covenant Fellowship Church or a first-time visitor, we welcome you with open arms.

Save the Date:

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to be part of something special. SPIRITLIFE Conference 2024 is just around the corner, so make plans now to join us!

Let’s come together to explore the Weightier Matters of life, faith, and God’s Word. We look forward to seeing you there!


spiritlife conference at covenant fellowship church okc