SPIRITLIFE Conference!
September 11, 2024
A Threefold Cord Is Not Easily Broken
October 14, 2024Words of Wisdom
by Pastor Alphonze
The Season of God
In the book of Exodus 12:2, we read: “In the 6th month God said to the children of Israel, this month is going to be to you the beginning of the months, the beginning of the year.”
That means, in the midst of the year God said, “What kick-starts a new season is not the calendar, but my word!”
The believer – according to God – is not subject to calendar months.
The word of God is what kick starts a new season. For a believer, the year does not exist in isolation, it’s another latitude God is granting you so that He can extend to you the economy of the grace of God as you optimize on the word of God.
This year shouldn’t be another year of drafting things perpetually, organizing perpetually, planning perpetually, preparing paperwork perpetually, wishing perpetually, no. YOU MUST LAND THIS PLANE, MAKE IT HAPPEN! Bring it home!!