connections and relationships
Connection Is A Vital Key To Fulfillment
January 4, 2022
mover of hearts
Be A Mover Of Hearts
January 4, 2022
connections and relationships
Connection Is A Vital Key To Fulfillment
January 4, 2022
mover of hearts
Be A Mover Of Hearts
January 4, 2022


Whatever you’re facing that’s challenging you that requires you to make wise decisions in the midst of difficulty, be sure that the first thing you are doing is accurately observing your current reality. Unless you tell yourself accurately what is unfolding, you cannot identify what the actual problem is that you are endeavoring to solve. Nor will you engage the situation in the best possible way.

Secondly, develop the ability to look into the future, I call it traveling to your future. Apostle Paul calls it looking at the unseen, things that can be but have not manifested yet, the crystallization of the potential inherent in you. Anybody who did anything significant didn’t just do it by coincidence or by fluke, they saw what could be, they imagined what could be, they spoke about what could be. They traveled in their imagination to a place beyond their present state and then they acted.

It all begins with Imagination and positive thoughts. The wisest man, King Solomon, once said “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”