January 7, 2022
man running at sunset on a track set the pace blog post on covenant fellowship church okc
Set The Pace For Your Future
February 11, 2022
January 7, 2022
man running at sunset on a track set the pace blog post on covenant fellowship church okc
Set The Pace For Your Future
February 11, 2022

A lazy man does not roast his prey.  ~ Proverbs  12:27

Catching the prey is simply not enough. There are two things that must be actualized and both are necessary for productivity: Catching and Roasting.

Obviously, catching the prey requires patience, skill, energy, and focus. As much as these qualities are great, you are still only half way, and lazy (according to the scriptures) if you haven’t  mastered the art of roasting.

Roasting is preparing the prey to be EDIBLE.

Your gift and hard work must crystallize to the consummation stage. There is no point in all the hard work of hunting if the final stage cant be actualized.

Packaging is the crystallization. It is expedient that we package well what we have in order for us to be able to fully enjoy the  dividends.

Everyone is loaded inherently with divine possibilities and potential, specially tempered to help our navigation progress on the path of life. The issue is how well can we package our deliverables? We must Learn how to consistently ROAST THE PREY. There is a great difference between being busy and being productive. For the most part the antithesis of success is poor packaging or lack of it.